Here are a few websites that I could easily call my happy places, in case you need to get away for a few minutes to hours as well!
- Cubicle Refugee. How she finds this amazing content on a regular basis is beyond me. She must have the most optimized search engine for cool images EVER. Regardless, I'm so happy she shares her eye candy with the world.
- Design Love Fest. If you've read my blog for a while or you know me, my obsession with this cute, ambitious, and talented graphic designer / teacher is no secret. Her blog remains one of my favorites. She writes honestly and loves to share her journey as a rising artists / blogger / cool gal.
- Pinterest. That's a no brainer right? But I've found that Pinterest is only as good as the people you follow! Here's a link to the people I think are pretty darn good pinners.
- Tokyo Camera Style. As if I don't already have a serious issue with camera lust, this website aims to have you searching on Craigslist for camera rarities for the rest of your life.
I'm looking forward to graduating in a few weeks so that I can have a life outside of academia again!
Y'all are following me on Tumblr too right? I'm posting over there more regularly with lots of film photos to boot!