Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Don't you love that Bobby D record? I do! Lots of changes in our lives! 

Firstly, I got a job at A&A Studios / The Vintage Camera Shop. A very cute entirely analog camera store in the Arts District of Oak Park! I am so happy to be geeking out over cameras and films on the clock. Christopher and I have been working for a music festival from home for the past few years so it's been an adjustment commuting to and from work, which is why I haven't been blogging much lately. It's been so nice to stop by Dunkin Donuts (do not judge me) every morning for a cup of coffee and listen to music on my way to work. Speaking of which, I need new tunes, any recommendations?!

Secondly, Christopher and I are moving soon! We are staying in Chicago but moving a little West. Right now we live right by Lake Michigan which is really cozy but we are pretty sure we've found a place, with space for a music studio for him and plenty of room for my photo stuff and there is the possibility of a DARK ROOM too! We are both so excited. We're sad to be moving a little West and not living within such close proximity to family and friends but we are very excited about the prospect of living in a two bedroom apartment as opposed to the studio we've been living in for the past four years. I can't wait to move in and start "nesting"! 

Thirdly, can you believe February is almost over? Good grief?! Where has the month gone?! Chicago is experiencing a mild Winter which makes me feel nervous. I can hardly enjoy the sunshine and warmer days because I keep waiting to be knocked down by an avalanche of snow any day now. 

I feel like I'm finally adjusting to my new schedule so hopefully I'll be in this little box, in this little corner of the internet more! PS. How do you working people come home at night and have the energy to cook dinner?! I already loathe cooking but the idea of doing it when I'm starving and tired seems even more wretched than cooking under better circumstances! 



  1. Hiya, Azuree! (Artful Magpie/Katy here!) How do I have the energy to come home from work and cook dinner? Short answer is...I don't! Ha! Longer answer is...get a slow cooker! Put your food in before you leave for work, 6 to 8 hours later, take off the lid and eat. Ha!

    1. Um. Babe alert with the long hair!! You look totally cute with short hair too I'd just never seen a photo with the long locks! Yes, I have been thinking about a crock pot! Do you know of a good place to find recipes? I do not cook- AT ALL. So it's all new to me but I'm tired of sandwiches! I need meals!

    2. Haha, yeah, the short hair is a relatively recent look for me, actually! I think my husband misses the long hair sometimes, ha, but short is so much easier to deal with! ;-)

      Do you use Pinterest? There are a lot of slow cooker recipes posted there. Also Tasty Kitchen. I have a few really basic ones that I make a lot and can share. (Are you vegetarian? Because most of mine have meat...)

    3. I'm a meat eater too! Yes, i've seen good recipes on Pinterest. I'm going to have to make a cook it pin board with crock pot recipes! Thanks for the tips gal!

  2. First, those photobooth strips are amazing and such a fantastic idea!! Second, I'm so happy to hear about all the fabulous changes going on in your life. :D (I was watching "The Watchmen" the other day and just thinking about how great that song is.) I will admit that I've missed seeing you on Twitter, Flickr and here as often, but life is busy and I'm happy things are going well for you guys!

    As for the cooking dinner part... I'm super lucky because I hate cooking and Mike loves it. Strangely enough though, I love helping Mike cook. So we both do it together. We try and have a bit of a meal plan so when we get home we know exactly what we're making and don't have to try and think of something last minute. I hate trying to figure things out last minute for meals, I always default to pasta (which I have successfully reduced my eating of for the past 3 weeks in an effort to lower the amount of carbs I eat. By successfully I mean about 60% of the time I'm successful and the other 40% of the time I want to stuff my face with donuts.)

    1. Thanks Ash! I'm with ya, I don't mind helping and hanging out while other people cook but right now I'm getting home around seven and I usually eat at five so I'm famished by the time I get home! I'm hoping Christopher will be more like Mike and start cooking and enjoy it! Fingers crossed!!

      I am a carboholic already and fear that since it's so easy to whip up pasta dishes that's what we'll end up eating most of the time. I'm going to turn into the Michelin Man!! AH! But everyone is saying a crockpot is the way to go, so I guess I'll give that a go!


  3. Exciting news about your move!!! Although, I wish you were relocating to NY.

    A few things:
    1.those photos are adorable
    2.i keep waiting to freeze to death as well....and i'm so ready for summer
    3.crockpot is awesome - easy, quick prep, makes large meals that can last a few days. you can find tons of recipes online. louis likes using the crockpot and usually makes something in it each week that we can eat for a few days. my favorite is a simple roast with carrots, potatoes and celery.
    4. you might like to cook one day, but until you do, try casseroles and things that have several servings and will last you a few days. email me if you need ideas. i loveeee to cook!

    i owe you an email. will write you tonight!


    1. Kcart,

      It's cute to think of Lou cooking. I think of him more as a cook out king! Can't wait for your wedding girl! It's going to be so fun and beautiful! Send me an email when you have time.

      Thanks for the tips. I don't like cooking at all. I'm just impatient mostly. In a perfect world Christopher will take to it, because I do love cleaning so if he can cook and I can clean I think we make a perfect team!


  4. very cool about your job. it's funny because when i opened my little camera etsy shop, my original name was going to be "the vintage photo shop." i did some research and found the place where you are working, so i decided to name it "fisheye vintage" instead. we've got a semi music studio in our basement for the husband. a dark room would be awesome.

    1. That's funny. I'm so excited for him to have a dedicated creative space. He's an awesome guy and is so great about letting me hog most of our space so I feel like he's getting something he really deserves! Think it'd be fun to spend time making prints together too!

  5. How adorable are you with those photobooth images? And I admit I am jealous a little because that kind sounds like my dream job!! <3
