Wednesday, January 5, 2011


film heart

One of three hearts I made for Words To Shoot By ! Gosh I love this blog and being a contributer!  I am working on a few more hearts for my shop for Valentines day.  Hopefully the sun will appear tomorrow and I can go ahead and make the photos I need!

I really hate to admit it but I'm a wonderful procrastinator.  In an effort to motivate myself I've been making lists of things I want to accomplish each week. This has been great for organizing my thoughts and helping ease the insanity but hasn't quite forced me to get things done!! Does anyone have any helpful tips for me?

I hope all is well in your worlds!


  1. Very cool! Will this be showing up in your shop as well?

  2. Fantastic! I love your hearts over on Words to Shoot by.

    I'm a procrastinator too, I find lists for the day or weekend work for me, shorter time periods rather than a whole week. Also, I try not to overload myself and be realistic about what I can accomplish.

  3. Kam, Thank you! It will be!! I printed out some cards today- Just gotta take some photos and get them up!

    Ashley- Thank you!! There were so many great entries this week at WTSB! Yes! I like the lists. I'm trying to make my lists on my "stickies" on my computer and it's proving to work well. They're a little yellow reminder to quit looking at blogs and get work done!

  4. i need to take some initiative and use your idea to make a list each week. i am one to put things off as well.

    i love this heart, since mine seems to be made of film as well~! my digital collects some dust most days.

  5. What a cute heart! My tip - I do one "extra" thing a day - which are really on my to do list, but I call it my one extra thing and get them done like that!

  6. Lee- great idea. I'll have to start doing that!
